Suddenly my toe had got hurt.

We were to go to Kashmir next morning.

And the toe got hurt. I couldn’t walk. I couldn’t even limp.

I looked at my toe. I didn’t recognize it.  I have never looked at it. The toe kept doing its work. Quietly. It kept walking. I never tended it. I didn’t even know it existed.

And now it was hurt. It was not walking and I was worried.

Would we be able to go to Kashmir? What if I couldn’t walk?  I applied ice. Lots of ice. I noticed the part of my body that I didn’t know existed.

My husband was running around to take out ice tray and apply the ice. He called the doctor.

I looked at my husband. I had not been noticing him lately. A part of my life. I did not have to attend to him.

The important parts of life we take for granted. They become important when they are not working.(Tweet This Message)

This incident has changed my outlook.

Oh! I am so thankful that I am noticing them now.

This toe and this husband and this beautiful house that I am sitting in.

We ignore all the blessings and concentrate on problems.