I came across this video by Shawn Achor. He is an award winning speaker on positive Psychology talking about performance, productivity and how to be successful.

TEDxBloomington – Shawn Achor – “The Happiness Advantage: Linking Positive Brains to Performance” You can watch him on Youtube.

What Shawn and other proponents of Positive Psychologists are essentially saying is this –

The old formula for success – If I work hard, I will be successful then I will be happy.

The new formula for success – If I am happy in the present situation, my intelligence, creativity, energy level and productivity increases. This will lead me to success.

So, if you want to be successful, be happy now.

While reviewing, I found some similarities in attitudes that the Psychologists propose and religion is advocating. that should be developed to lead successful, happy, wealthy and peaceful life.

Mentioning 8 attitudes and/or facts here.

Attitude 1: Psychologists find that we tend to postponed happiness. When one is in a good college, one longs for a good job. When one finds a good job, one works hard for that promotion.

We work hard for the next target. This makes us unhappy.

Religion proposes that the unhappiness comes from the gap between expectations and reality. Desire is the root cause of unhappiness (Dukh)

This leads us to attitude no. 2.

Psychology:  When you are happy in present life, you are serving your brain which in turn functions at an optimum level. When one is happy, dopamine chemical is released which improves motivation, learning, cognition and other functions. It had direct relationship with our performance.

Religion: The thoughts of past makes you feel guilty, when you think about future, you start worrying.

Be in “now” to be happy.

Attitude 3 : Psychology: Self -awareness develops competency required for success.

Religion: Self-awareness is necessary for Self- realization. Self – realization leads to liberty, tranquility and freedom from the pain because your true nature is sat chit Anand.

Habit 4 helps us develop Self-awareness.

Psychology: Meditation helps remove intoxicated thoughts. Our mind is in hyperactive mode due to the constant bombardment of the stimuli.  Meditation calms the mind and readies us for the next day work.

Religion: Meditation helps us relieve stress, anxiety and negative thoughts and introduce us to our true nature which is happiness and peace.

Attitude 5: Psychology: Perfectionism, hyperactivity, Depression, anxiety are some of the mental health problems that one can develop due to the over materialistic and competitive society.

Religion: Do your work considering it as your duty, your dharma. “Surrender your karma to me” God says.

“Do your duties. Do not think about the results. Leave the results to me.  You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action.”

This attitude helps to do work without fear of consequences.

Skill 6: Psychology: Social skills are more important than experience or knowledge to be a successful leader. One should be able to enthuse, lead and help the other human being reach to his potential.  To climb the ladder of success, one needs to have excellent social skills. Also, your social support determines your level of happiness.

Religion: Work for the benefit of the mankind. Serve others. Selfish acts lead to unhappiness.

Fact 7: Psychology: Our happiness depends not on the circumstances but how we perceive and process the world. Our view towards self, others and the world determines our happiness level.

Due to the “limitation of perception” we can have irrational beliefs, errors in judgement and/or delusions.

Accept that there are different view -points, opinions and possibilities. This knowledge will help you to become more “open”.

Religion: The world is maya, an illusion. The data we receive through our senses are incomplete. The world that appear to us is constantly changing, and has deeper, invisible and unknown things beneath.

By using our “intelligence”, “Faith” and restraining our destructive tendencies, we can make wise choices to overcome the limitation of illusion or maya.

Fact 8: Psychology: Knowledge of one’s strengths and weaknesses is essential tool to build competency    

Religion: Happiness (Anand) comes from being in tune with oneself. Dukh (unhappiness) comes from duality (the world and I are separate). Sukh comes from being one with the higher self (Brahma or consciousness)

Cultivate purity, equanimity, discipline, detachment, stability to find the ultimate “Truth”

So, what is your secret of success? share it.

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Dalai Lama
(1357-1419, high lama of Tibetan Buddhism)